Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

Considerations for Calories In vs. Calories Out May 26, 2020


Whether you’re looking to lose, gain or maintain...

Energy balance matters, a lot.

But the *in* versus the *out*...

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How Much You Exercise Depends on Your Mindset May 25, 2020

Casual research citation flex

Realized today that I share a lot of studies from other researchers… but never my own lol

This was a study I...

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The Power of Sleep: How Sleep Impacts Muscle Building and Fat Loss May 24, 2020

I’m revoking your bragging rights!

There’s something you may be neglecting that can help you lose fat, build muscle, improve your mood,...

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Comfort Zone vs. Change Zone May 23, 2020

The comfort zone is a beautiful place,

But nothing ever grows there.

It’s beautiful because it’s familiar, predictable, and safe.


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Restriction as a Tool for Growth May 22, 2020

How to Use Restriction to Help You Achieve Your Goals


At KJO Coaching, we're all about flexibility, sustainability, education, and NOT ...

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The Key to Lasting Behavior Change May 21, 2020

When I, Coach Kasey, tell people I got a Ph.D. in mindset and health behavior change, it sounds made up.

The terms mindset and behavior change feel...

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The Thing That’s Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals May 20, 2020

If you struggle with consistency, you are not alone. 

You must be consistent whether you want to get stronger, lose fat, or achieve any other...

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How to know if you’re ready to diet (and what to do if you’re not!) May 16, 2020

Here’s a fresh take that you probably don’t hear often enough in the fitness industry: 

You probably shouldn’t diet. 


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The Formula for a Healthy Lifestyle Change May 14, 2020

You’ve decided that you want to make a lifestyle change. Yay! We’re excited for you! 

Now, what does that lifestyle change look...

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How to Set Goals to Get Healthier May 13, 2020

Do you value your health?

Of course, you do!

Over the last few years, I’ve seen people paying more and more attention to their health (and...

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The Science Behind How Many Calories You Burn May 09, 2020

It’s Coach Kasey here with you today, and I’ve got a truth bomb you probably won’t like. 

You burn more calories existing...

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Should You Reverse Diet? May 04, 2020


Have you thought about doing a reverse diet?

Do you even know what a reverse diet is?

Before we discuss whether you should reverse diet,...

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