We’ll help you prioritize your health, fitness, wellness, and mindset so you can...
SPEND LESS TIME WORRYING ABOUT what to eat or how to get enough workouts in...
You don't need another fitness plan that takes up too much of your time and/or flat out doesn't work - Instead, we’ll take into account your busy lifestyle to create a customized road map for you and your lifestyle.
With comprehensive weekly check-ins with your coach (that DON’T take much of your time), open communication any time, a private community with live videos from Kasey, and access to the client resource portal, you can transform your mind and life while building a stronger body!
This is alllllll included in our standard coaching because we know (after years of testing and refining) that this is the necessary set-up for our clients to be successful.
you to build out THE COACHING PACKAGE THAT FITS your goals and preferences best
Some helpful addition that you can choose to add onto your coaching package:
Personalized strength training programs (standard coaching package provides nutrition coaching + cardio recommendations only)
Monthly support phone/zoom calls with your coach to supplement weekly check-ins
Mental health coaching calls with licensed social worker and our mental health liaison (+ past KJO client!), Kim Konderla, MSW, LCSW (KJO Clients get significant discounts)
"OKAY OKAY, THIS ALL SOUNDS PERFECT, BUT what am I looking at from an investment perspective?"
KJO Coaching packages vary significantly based on the time commitment and package setup that you chose! We take your financial situation into heavy consideration and will work with you on an investment structure that fits your personal budget and preferences! We are here to make this work for YOU.
That said, we are happy to report that our coaching falls within industry standard for hands-on, personalized programming working directly with expert coaches and we will share ALL those details with you on the call. The packages we create are personalized so we can't tell you "how much?!" until we have more info from you!
Remember: this is a ZERO pressure process, applying or booking a call does NOT commit you to anything, this is your time to learn more about KJO and get some tips for your your mindset + fitness journey