Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

The Domino Effect Jul 29, 2020

I know this has happened to you.

It’s happened to all of us.

Whether it’s a “oh damn, didn’t mean to finish the whole...

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The Health Spectrum Jul 21, 2020

Health is more than just the absence of sickness

But unfortunately that’s the main focus of our medical system.

*fix* the sick people.


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Stages of Change Jul 14, 2020

What’s great about preparing for the Health Mindset Coaching Certification is that the content can often double as an IG post

I obviously...

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Are you in control? Jul 03, 2020

I’m not saying you need to be a control freak to be successful.

Obviously, a strong need to control everything can be detrimental too.

But some...

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Type of Motivation > Amount of Motivation Jul 02, 2020

Motivation is a moody character.

Relying on it entirely... is a bad idea.

Instead seeking MORE #motivation (the hashtag has 231 million...

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Your Needs Matter Jul 01, 2020

As a human, you have basic psychological needs.

And if your needs aren’t met, you won’t be a happy camper

^ things like behavior change,...

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Do Group Fitness Classes Work to Achieve Fitness Goals Jun 27, 2020

Hey there, Coach Kasey here with you today, and I want to talk about setting up your workouts to help you most efficiently and effectively achieve...

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The Stress Curve Jun 25, 2020

Stress is 100% perceived (ahem mindset)

But the results of that perception on your body can produce real, tangible health benefits or concerns.


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Make Goal Visualization Work for You Jun 23, 2020

So many people on social media are talking about visualization to achieve your goals. They say things like, "Visualize your destiny, and you'll...

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Healthy Lifestyle Change Trajectory Jun 18, 2020

You’ve found a sense of hope.

Perhaps you finally made the decision that you’re going to change your eating behaviors. For real.


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The Intention-Behavior Gap⁣ Jun 08, 2020

It’s common sense.

If you want to achieve your goals or change your behavior, you need to actually have some desire and intent behind it.


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Do Fat Burning Supplements Really Work? May 26, 2020

Whether it’s coaching clients, email inquiries, or people in my DMs on social media, it seems like someone is always asking me about fat...

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