Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

Make Weight Loss Easier May 02, 2020

When clients come to KJO Coaching, they often tell us that they’re looking to lose body fat but just can't seem to stick with the behaviors...

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Why Should You Reverse Diet? Apr 28, 2020

According to an Instagram poll, 60% of you don’t understand reverse dieting.

I’m pretty surprised at this because I feel like reverse...

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The Difference Between Habit, Routine, and Ritual Apr 26, 2020

Did you know there was a difference?

Habits, routines, and rituals are often considered synonymous but they’re pretty dang different.



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Should You Track Your Food Intake? Apr 18, 2020

There seems to be a constant debate in the fitness industry about whether you should track your food intake.
On the one hand, you have the people...

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The Better You Know Your β€˜Future Self’ The Better Off You’ll Be (according to research) Apr 14, 2020

Think about your life right now, and then think about how you want your life to be in the future. 

I’m not just talking about financial...

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The Dark Side of Growth Mindset Apr 12, 2020


If you’ve been following the KJO Coaching blog for a while, you know that we’re all about embracing a growth...

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End the Binge and Restrict Cycle Apr 10, 2020


Please note: the word "binge" in this blog post is in reference to "overeating" and not clinical binge eating or binge eating disorder....

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Reach Your Goals by Improving Your Self-Control Apr 02, 2020

Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed out, your self-control seems to be out with it?

After a stressful week, you might find...

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If You Want to Create Healthier Habits, Do This. Mar 28, 2020

Do you ever feel like life is testing your self-control?

If life has been extra stressful lately, maintaining self-control may be...

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Mindset Shifts to Harness Stress and Increase Success Mar 24, 2020

Do you want to be good at stress?

You might be thinking, “Be good at it?? Stress is bad!

To be honest, that way of thinking is a...

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Why Life Disruptions and Changes Provide the Best Time to Form New Habits Mar 21, 2020


Life gets tossed up.

Whether it’s a viral pandemic, you started a new job, or you moved to a new city.

In situations of uncertainty...

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Decide What You Want and Change Your Reality Mar 17, 2020

How often do you hear others (or hear in your head):

“I don’t know what I want.”

“I don’t know how to do it.”

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