Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

Psychological Predictors of Weight Loss Maintenance Nov 06, 2020

You’ve likely heard that perceptions and thoughts drive your behavior (probably at least 1000x from me alone lol)

Here I provide 18 weight...

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D.O.S.E - How to Get Your Daily Dose of Happiness Oct 30, 2020

We have hormones that regulate our menstrual cycle, our metabolism, our weight, our sleep, our energy..but did you know that we also have hormones...

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Do's and Don'ts of Eating Before Your Workouts Oct 16, 2020

“What should I eat before my workouts?”
The answer: “Well, it depends…”

Good Morning KJO Family! Coach Brooke here! I...

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Exercise According to Your Period Oct 02, 2020

In this blog post, I talked about the female menstrual cycle and some common (but not normal) symptoms that are associated with that time of the...

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TEMPO, why is it important for lifting? Sep 25, 2020

Tempo is essentially time under tension for each phase of a repetition.

4 Phases:

Eccentric: lowering the weight, lengthening the muscle

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3 Elements of Behavior Change Sep 11, 2020

When woo woo meets science

When I tell people I got my PhD in mindsets and health behavior change ... it sounds made up

*mindset* & *behavior...

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Motivational Spillover Aug 24, 2020

You know when you have a streak of being on TOP of your workouts, other things tend to come along with it?

Like, Suddenly you have more *motivation*...

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The Domino Effect Jul 29, 2020

I know this has happened to you.

It’s happened to all of us.

Whether it’s a “oh damn, didn’t mean to finish the whole...

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The Health Spectrum Jul 21, 2020

Health is more than just the absence of sickness

But unfortunately that’s the main focus of our medical system.

*fix* the sick people.


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Stages of Change Jul 14, 2020

What’s great about preparing for the Health Mindset Coaching Certification is that the content can often double as an IG post

I obviously...

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Are you in control? Jul 03, 2020

I’m not saying you need to be a control freak to be successful.

Obviously, a strong need to control everything can be detrimental too.

But some...

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Do Group Fitness Classes Work to Achieve Fitness Goals Jun 27, 2020

Hey there, Coach Kasey here with you today, and I want to talk about setting up your workouts to help you most efficiently and effectively achieve...

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