Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

What is Muscle Memory? Jan 04, 2022

A lot of people ask us coaches at KJO Coaching if muscle memory is a real thing or if it’s just a gimmick they hear about on social media.


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Levels of Sustainability For a “Healthy Lifestyle” Dec 31, 2021

If you’re on a health and fitness journey, you’re likely after the mysterious “sustainable approach.”

You know, the approach...

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5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Dec 17, 2021

Tis the season to be present, enjoy some good food, and maintain your fitness progress. 

Sure, your overall goal may be to lose weight, but...

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How and When to Start Your Fitness Journey Dec 03, 2021

So you've had physique or wellness goals for a while, and you're now looking to hire a coach to help you improve your health and fitness. But once...

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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): What It Is And What to Do About It Nov 12, 2021

How many times have you had a really solid workout and found that you can barely walk a day or two later? Do you find that you have so much muscle...

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RPE: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter? Nov 10, 2021

Are you familiar with RPE?

RPE stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion, and it’s a way of measuring physical activity intensity levels....

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Creatine Supplements: Who Should Take Them, and What are the Benefits Nov 05, 2021

Creatine is one of the most well-researched and efficient supplements out there for men and women, but there are still a lot of misconceptions...

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Why Scale Fluctuations Shouldn’t Freak You Out Oct 27, 2021

Hey there! It’s Coach Ashlyn here to talk to you about fluctuations on the scale. 


Have you ever thought, “I just...

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Your Post-Workout Nutrition Questions Answered Oct 22, 2021

Like many of our clients, you may often wonder how to nourish your body after a workout. What to eat after a workout is the question that we...

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Stress: When to Embrace it, and When to do Something About it Oct 01, 2021

Previously, we talked about different factors that can cause your weight to fluctuate. Today, I, Coach Brooke, want to expand on how stress can...

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Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin D Sep 24, 2021

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential micronutrient that our bodies need for optimal health throughout our whole...

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Healthy Snacks to Eat While Travelling Sep 10, 2021

Hey! It’s coach Laney here!

With more people travelling again, I thought I’d come here and chat with you about snacking at the airport...

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