Tracking Macros When Traveling

balance macros moderation tracking macros traveling Jun 21, 2021

Should you track macros on vacation?

If you’re tracking macros as a tool for your fitness journey, it can get stressful when you’re not in your home environmentā£.

It’s Coach Kasey here to talk to you about whether you should track your macros while you’re on vacation.

When I go on vacation, I often choose not to track a single macro!

For me, choosing not to track my intake is more of a mental break and absolutely not an excuse to go all out on mai tais and açaí bowls (I’m actually writing this from Hawaii) 

That’s because I KNOW my lifestyle supports having these things whenever I want. I also don’t feel the need to “get it all in” right nowā£ because I know I’ll be able to get some treats later on.

However, there have been plenty of trips where I HAVE stayed on top of my macros.

But first, what are macros?

If you’re wondering what I’m talking about when I say tracking macros, DO NOT STRESS! 

Macro is a word short for Macronutrients — they are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that your body uses to create energy.

Macronutrients are responsible for the calorie count in your food. One gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories, one gram of protein provides 4 calories, and one gram of fat provides 9 calories. Alcohol is also considered a macronutrient and provides 7 calories per gram, but it adds no nutritional value to your body and is not included in most macro calculations.

When you follow a macro diet, you go beyond counting calories and focus on tracking macros in food. Depending on your health goals, you can adjust the ratios of macronutrients you consume to maintain a healthy weight and build muscle.

Tracking While You’re Away

At KJO Coaching, we have many clients starting some short-term diet phases right now — and, simply put, tracking while on trips is in their best interest.

So here are a few things to make “travel tracking” easier:ā£

Choose healthy, macro-friendly optionsā£ā£

“Healthy” and “easy to track” typically go hand in hand.

Think like salads, steak and veggies, and egg white omelets. These are all easy to track because you can physically SEE each ingredient.ā£

Dishes with tons of ingredients and sauces are harder to track and often less healthy overall.ā£

TIP: Ask for sauces, dressings, & cheese on the side. These are usually the high-calorie culprits that restaurants tend to overuse. Getting them on the side allows you to moderate and control how much of it you are eating!

Also, don’t be afraid to make substitutions!! Ask for steamed veggies instead of potatoes. If you are kind and ask nicely, 99% of the time, the server will get the chef to adjust anything that you are asking for. A smile goes a long way!

Shared treatsā£ā£

Just because you’re tracking macros doesn’t mean you can’t have dessert - you just might need to adjust your portions. Try splitting it with someone else!

TIP: Slow tf down. Savor your treats. You might notice that after a couple of bites, you’ve got what you wanted and really don’t need more.ā£ When this happens, you NEED to listen to your body and what it is telling you — you will be happy that you did it in the first place!

Pack proteinā£

A daily protein shake can help keep those protein numbers up. Stock up on protein staples when you get to your destination too.ā£ Protein shakes will help keep you full and reduce the likelihood of you bingeing on treats just because they’re around.

Adding a few protein bars or packing a few scoops of protein powder in your checked luggage is going to make a huge difference. You won’t be sorry you did it! 

Don’t neglect activity!ā£

Keeping your caloric expenditure up will help take care of the sneaky calories you might miss, or if you do happen to go over macros, this is even more important!ā£

Walk around and explore, hike, take a local yoga class, challenge yourself to make the most of the hotel gym. I promise that adding movement into your day will only ADD to your trip. Plus, the endorphins from working out will give you more energy to make the most of your vacation!

So, to Track or Not to Track?

I think that the biggest challenge isn’t looking at the numbers and counting macros while you are away — but instead about making SMART decisions and keeping your fitness and health goals forever in the back of your mind. Eat slower, bring snacks that you know help you hit your macros, move your body, have fun, and be present in the moment!

We never want you to look back on a trip and resent the things that you did eat or drink — it is all about moderation! You can say yes to mai tais and açaí bowls, but you don’t have to say yes to all of them.

If you’re heading out and want to keep everything in check, working with a coach can be super beneficial — they will have even more tips and ideas to help you stay on track AND enjoy your time away.

Not ready for a coaching relationship? We've got a DIY program for you too!


Check out the original post HERE.


Connect with us!

Email: [email protected]

IG: @coachkaseyjo @kjocoaching ā£

Hi, I'm Kasey!

I coach, mentor, write, and teach with one main focus: Build strong bodies and healthy lifestyles, starting with your mindset.


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