Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster Jun 09, 2023

Where are my high-achievers at?!

How often do you find yourself thinking about how much more productive you might be if you weren't such a...

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How to Embrace a Growth Mindset Aug 26, 2022


One of the coolest parts of being human is that you get to decide what things mean.

And what things mean to you makes all the difference in...

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How to Choose a Nutrition and Fitness Coach Apr 08, 2022

My Client’s Experience With a Bad Coach


Prior to working with us at KJO Coaching our client Aubrey had another coach...a...

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The Key to Motivation and Success Mar 25, 2022

Autonomy, relatedness, and competence are THE BIG THREE things that you should focus on for motivation and success. 

If you or your clients...

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Physical Hunger VS Emotional Hunger - How to Know the Difference Jun 06, 2021

Physical Hunger VS Emotional Hunger - How to Know the Difference

Everyone has likely experienced both physical and emotional hunger before but...

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End the Binge and Restrict Cycle Apr 10, 2020


Please note: the word "binge" in this blog post is in reference to "overeating" and not clinical binge eating or binge eating disorder....

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Your Mindset Determines Your Success Feb 24, 2020

Do you know what mindset means?

Everyone is a “mindset coach” these days, and mindset has become such a marketing buzzword, but I...

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Your Body Type doesn’t Determine your Success Feb 19, 2020

Do you know what your body type is, and do you think it’s holding you back from achieving your health and fitness goals?




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