Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

Best Ways to Create Healthy Habits May 19, 2023

Stop screwing yourself over in your habit formation efforts by trying to form five new healthy habits at the same time. Obviously, we mean this in...

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Why Women Need Muscle Mass Dec 16, 2022

A fantastic change we’ve seen in the fitness space over the last several years is that women have been striving to build muscle mass. 


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Why Should I Eat More Fiber? Sep 23, 2022

Did you know that an adult woman's daily recommended amount of fiber is a minimum of 25g? If you are feeling bloated, constipated, or even just...

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How to Embrace a Growth Mindset Aug 26, 2022


One of the coolest parts of being human is that you get to decide what things mean.

And what things mean to you makes all the difference in...

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How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Apr 15, 2022

Have you ever heard, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”?

Even if you haven’t, I’m sure you can understand it...

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The Key to Motivation and Success Mar 25, 2022

Autonomy, relatedness, and competence are THE BIG THREE things that you should focus on for motivation and success. 

If you or your clients...

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What the Thyroid Does and How it Affects Your Body Jan 14, 2022

Coach Ashlyn, here!

Let's show our thyroid some love today. In this post, I discuss what the thyroid is, why it’s important, signs and...

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What is Muscle Memory? Jan 04, 2022

A lot of people ask us coaches at KJO Coaching if muscle memory is a real thing or if it’s just a gimmick they hear about on social media.


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Your Mindset Affects Your Exercise Habits Jul 25, 2021

Subtle citation flex coming at ya! You all know that I love sharing the science of healthy living with you, and today, I realized that while I...

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