Your Mind Impacts Your Health And Fitness Behaviors
Unconventional Career Paths, Non-Negotiable Daily Habits, & Science-Backed Goal Setting
Creating Autonomy, Awareness, and Achievement Through Building a Growth Mindset
Mindset, Behavior Change, & “Diets Don’t Work”
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Sam Miller & Kasey Jo Orvidas, Ph.D. on Mindset, Metabolism, & Filling Gaps in the Fitness Space
Cultivating A Growth Mindset, Making/Breaking Habits, And More...
A better and more effective way to set and chase big goals
The Relationship Between Our Brain and Our Fitness Journey
Why Your Mindset DIRECTLY Impacts Your Motivation
Mindset Psychology with Dr. Kasey Orvidas
Psychology of Fitness and Growth Mindset
Let's Talk Health: Mindset & Health
Learning How to Change
The differences between a growth and fixed mindset, how to cultivate a growth mindset in children, and how obesity traits as adults can linked back to childhood