Your Content Hub on Psychology, Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition, and MORE!

3 Things Missing From Your Health and Fitness Coaching Practices Aug 05, 2022


Your coaching, content, marketing, and relationships might be missing a crucial element that’s holding you back from reaching your...

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4 Strategies to Help Your Clients Achieve and Sustain Behavior Change Jul 01, 2022

Do you ever lead a zoom meeting with no agenda?

I do this every week during the Health Mindset Certificate Coaching program and every month in the...

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How to Reach Your Fitness Goals Apr 15, 2022

Have you ever heard, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”?

Even if you haven’t, I’m sure you can understand it...

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The Key to Motivation and Success Mar 25, 2022

Autonomy, relatedness, and competence are THE BIG THREE things that you should focus on for motivation and success. 

If you or your clients...

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Levels of Sustainability For a “Healthy Lifestyle” Dec 31, 2021

If you’re on a health and fitness journey, you’re likely after the mysterious “sustainable approach.”

You know, the approach...

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Not Having Discipline is Making You Feel Guilty Sep 03, 2021

Having discipline when it comes to food can be challenging, especially if you’re an emotional eater. A lack of discipline can make you feel...

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Your Mindset Affects Your Exercise Habits Jul 25, 2021

Subtle citation flex coming at ya! You all know that I love sharing the science of healthy living with you, and today, I realized that while I...

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The Better You Know Your ‘Future Self’ The Better Off You’ll Be (according to research) Apr 14, 2020

Think about your life right now, and then think about how you want your life to be in the future. 

I’m not just talking about financial...

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Why Life Disruptions and Changes Provide the Best Time to Form New Habits Mar 21, 2020


Life gets tossed up.

Whether it’s a viral pandemic, you started a new job, or you moved to a new city.

In situations of uncertainty...

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